Shropshire Council - Public Consultation on Assessing unsafe walking routes to school


Dear Stakeholder

To ensure we are meeting our statutory duties under the Education Act 2006, a revised policy for assessing unsafe walking routes to school is being proposed (attached) and a consultation on this proposed policy will run until the 10th February 2023. We do not anticipate that the revised policy will change the entitlement to free school transport for new or existing pupils and will not have any financial impact for the Council.The consultation is available to view and respond to atGet involved | Shropshire Council alternatively, you can send your commentsto or use the following address:

  • Transport Consultation,

Feedback and Insight Team,

Shropshire Council,


Abbey Foregate,



Once the consultation period ends all the feedback gathered will be considered and summarised in a report to Cabinet in March 2023.

Additional Documents

Unsafe Walking Routes Assessment Policy December 2022.pdf