The Tonys' Community Service Award
Memebers of Oswestry Rural Parish Council were delighted to present The Tonys' Community Service Award 2024 jointly to John Evans and Rebecca Greenham at its meeting on 28 November 2024.
The winners were presented with certificates by Vice Chairman Cllr Martin Bennett.
Ministerial Response
Following an invitation from the Parish Council to The Minister for Energy, Michael Spanks MP, to attend a Public Meeting on the Vyrnwy Frankton Connection a letter of response has been received.
The letter is attached
Garden Waste Changes
Householders wanting to have their garden waste bins emptied after 1 October [2024] can subscribe to Shropshire Council’s garden waste service from today (Tuesday 3 September).
A 12-month subscription costs £56 per bin and will cover the period 1 October to 30 September. Garden waste collections will stop from 1 October 2024 for anyone that hasn’t subscribed by this date.
A payment window will be open until 31 March 2025. To subscribe and for more information about the service people should visit the Shropshire Council website at
Anyone unable to subscribe and pay online can call 0345 520 7007.
We’d be grateful if you can help share this information with residents in your area. We’ve attached a copy of a leaflet that is being distributed to all households from this week, and some graphics that you can use on social media if you wish.
Those who subscribe to the service will be sent a special sticker to attach to their garden bin, to show collection crews which bins to empty.
From 1 October food waste collections will be suspended as councils cannot charge for this service. Subscribers to the garden waste service will no longer be able to put food waste in their garden bin.
However, all councils in England must introduce a weekly food waste collections to all properties from 2026 and Shropshire Council will introduce a new food waste collection service to all households from that date.
Those who don’t subscribe are also asked not to put garden waste in your general waste bin as this is taken to our energy recovery facility, which can't accept garden waste. General waste bins won't be emptied if they contain garden waste.
As we’ve said before, Shropshire Council is facing unprecedented financial pressure. We must make significant savings in 2024/25 to keep a balanced budget and our plans include difficult decisions. We must look at other ways of creating income so that we can protect essential frontline services for those residents most in need.
Though the collection of garden waste is not a service that the council must by law provide, it is one that we want to continue to provide. And as not all residents need or want the service we’ll now be providing this as an opt-in chargeable service to those who need or want it.
Some 80% of English councils already charge for garden waste collections, and many have been doing so for several years. An annual green waste subscription charge of £56 is in line with our neighbouring councils.
More information is available on the Shropshire Council website at
GP collective action
GP collective action to take place across Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin
Dear colleagues and stakeholders,
With news that General Practice (GP) nationwide are taking collective action from Thursday 1 August 2024, health leaders from across the local health and care system are asking the public to continue to come forward for care as usual.
Although not classed as industrial (strike) action, GP collective action is anticipated to disrupt services within General Practice and across the wider health system, including hospital services and community pharmacy.
Partners across the Integrated Care System (ICS) are working closely together to manage the situation and respond accordingly. We would like to reassure patients and residents that we will be monitoring the situation closely so that every step can be taken to ensure care continues to be delivered safely and that patient needs continue to be met.
Important information for all patients:
As has been shared publicly, patients are advised that General Practices across the county are still open and seeing patients, however some may be directing patients to other local health services. Appointments can still be booked through GP practices and all patients are advised to still attend a scheduled healthcare appointment unless otherwise advised.
We are also asking patients to please continue to use the healthcare service which best suits your needs, including NHS 111 online or call 111 for urgent health advice as normal. More details, that can be shared on patients-facing platforms, are included below.
To find out which service is right for you, you can also refer to the following guidance for help and advice: Think Which Service.
If you need urgent medical advice, and it’s not an emergency, please visit or call 111 from any landline or mobile phone. For life threatening emergencies, dial 999.
How you can help the local healthcare system:
- NHS 111 online can tell you where to get help for your symptoms if you’re not sure what to do, how to find general health information and advice, where to get an emergency supply of your prescribed medicine and how to get a repeat prescription. You can also call NHS 111 to speak to a clinician and make bookings for urgent treatment centres and other services. The online and telephone services are available 24/7.
- Minor Injury Units are here to help with injuries that need attention urgently but are not critical or life threatening, including cuts, sprains, and rashes. The units are staffed by Registered Nurses. There are four Minor Injury Units in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin:
- Bridgnorth Community Hospital
- Ludlow Community Hospital
- Whitchurch Community Hospital
- Oswestry Health Centre
- Urgent Treatment Centres treat injuries including sprains, strains, suspected fractures, bites, cuts, scalds, and other non-emergency conditions. Waiting times are usually much shorter than A&E. We have UTCs at both hospital sites (Royal Shrewsbury Hospital and Princess Royal Hospital, Telford) within our Emergency Departments. They are open from 9am - 9pm seven days a week.
- Anyone who is in mental health distress should call the Mental Health Crisis Line: 0808 196 4501 – the helpline is open 24 hours a day.
- Community Pharmacists are experts in medicine who can help you with minor health concerns. As qualified healthcare professionals, they can offer clinical advice and over-the-counter medicines for a range of minor illnesses, such as coughs, colds, sore throats, tummy trouble and aches and pains. If symptoms suggest it’s something more serious, pharmacists have the right training to make sure you get the help you need and can signpost you to an appropriate NHS service. Find a pharmacy near you:Find a pharmacy – NHS (
Your local pharmacist may also be able to offer treatment and some prescription medicine for some conditions, without you needing to see a GP (this is called Pharmacy First). If you go to a pharmacy with one of these conditions, the pharmacist will offer you advice, treatment or refer you to another healthcare professional if needed. Conditions they can treat as part of this service are:
- earache (aged 1 to 17 years)
- impetigo (aged 1 year and over)
- infected insect bites (aged 1 year and over)
- shingles (aged 18 years and over)
- sinusitis (aged 12 years and over)
- sore throat (aged 5 years and over)
- urinary tract infections or UTIs (women aged 16 to 64 years)
More information on the GP collective action can be found here: GP collective action across Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin - NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin (
Shropshire Council - Consultation Garden Waste Charging and Household Recycling Centres Consultation
Shropshire Council is seeking your views on proposals to introduce charges to garden waste collection and changes to Household Recycling Centres.
If you are interested in more information about Shropshire Council's budget proposals for 2024/25
This survey should take approximately 18 minutes to complete. The consultation will close at 11:59pm Monday, 20th May.
Thank you
Shropshire Council Warning - Cold Callers
Shropshire Council’s Affordable Warmth & Energy Efficiency team have seen an alarming rise in cold calling and canvassing by companies offering free energy efficiency improvements.
If you or someone you know is in doubt about a letter or a call you or they have received, or to check the authenticity of a scheme or a contractorplease contact Keep Shropshire Warm on
0800 112 3743 or
Sustainable Warmth Shropshire is the name of the council’s own managed energy efficiency grant scheme. To find out more about Sustainable Warmth Shropshire and to see whether you're eligible for grants for energy efficiency improvements, visit
To find out more about Keep Shropshire Warm visit
Press Release Healthwatch Shropshire
Healthwatch Shropshire
responds to the Government plan to recover NHS dentistry
The NHS and the Government have published a plan to recover NHS dentistry setting out a major new focus on prevention and good oral health in young children, and an expansion of dental workforce.
Healthwatch Shropshire, the local health and social care champion has been receiving feedback for years about how people are struggling to access NHS dental care in Shropshire. They have been sharing this with their parent body, Healthwatch England, who has used it as evidence to support their work to persuade the government to provide NHS dentistry that is more accessible and affordable.
What's in the plan?
- NHS dentists will be given a ‘new patient’ payment of between £15-£50 (depending on treatment need) to treat around a million new patients who have not seen an NHS dentist in two years or more.
- People will be able to see which practices in their local area are accepting new patients on the NHS website and the NHS App. The government will roll out a marketing campaign encouraging anyone who has not been seen by a dentist for the past two years to access treatment.
- A new ‘Smile For Life’ programme will be rolled out to offer parents and parents-to-be advice for baby gums and milk teeth, with the aim that by the time children go to school, every child will see tooth brushing as a normal part of their day.
- Dental vans will help deliver dental treatment to people in rural and coastal areas.
- A water fluoridation programme will be rolled, which could reduce the number of tooth extractions due to decay in the most deprived areas of the country. Subject to consultation, the programme would enable an additional 1.6 million people to benefit from water fluoridation, first expanding across the North East.
Lynn Cawley, Healthwatch Shropshire Chief Officer, said, “I would like to thank all of the people in Shropshire who have taken the time to share their experiences of accessing NHS dental care with us. We hope that this plan will improve the ability of Shropshire residents to access NHS dental care. It is early days and we don’t yet know how it will affect services in Shropshire but hopefully this will become clearer. As it does we would still like to hear from people so we can feed their experiences back to the local NHS and to Healthwatch England to help build up a picture of how the plan is working.”
Healthwatch England CEO, Louise Ansari, said "Across England, we have seen major access issues in NHS dentistry. The rising cost of living has had a real impact, with our latest data showing that one in five people have avoided going to the dentist because they can't afford it. A year ago, this figure was one in ten*.
“The dentistry recovery plan is a good start in addressing these serious problems. To widen access to NHS dentistry to those experiencing the greatest health inequalities, it’s vital dentists take up the new premium payments, promote availability of appointments to new patients and prioritise slots to people most in need.
“We also welcome the move to incentivise dentists to work in ‘dental deserts’ with golden hellos, to use dental vans in remote areas and to roll out more prevention schemes for children.
“However, in the long run more radical solutions are needed to get NHS dentistry back on track. We welcome the Government’s to commitment to consulting with the profession on the contract and urge this to happen as soon as possible.”
“We know that people will generally welcome the plan, but ultimately, they would like to be be able to register with a local NHS dentist in the same way as they can with a local GP, developing a trusted relationship with a dentist who can prevent poor oral health and treat any new problems or emergencies.”
Healthwatch Shropshire is the independent health and social care champion in Shropshire. It gathers the views and experiences of patients, service users, carers, and the general public about services including hospitals, GPs, mental health services, community health services, pharmacists, opticians, residential care and children’s services. It also has statutory powers that it can use to influence service provision by encouraging improvements.
* Healthwatch EnglandNHS Dental Recovery Plan - our response | Healthwatch
Winter Support - Shropshire Council
Support service helping to keep people well this winter 2023/24
Shropshire Councils winter support service is running until the 31st March 2024. During the coming months the service will assist residents (18+) who may need a little additional support to maintain their independence and remain well at home or following a hospital discharge.
The aim is to support people to avoid a health and care crisis over the winter period.
Shropshire’s Winter Support Service will be run by Shropshire Council, in partnership with British Red Cross, Shropshire Mental Health Support, Age UK Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin, Qube (in Oswestry), Mayfair Community Centre (in Church Stretton), Royal Voluntary Service and, new to the partnership this year, we are delighted to welcome Hands Together Ludlow.
For more details and information on the range of support that the service can connect residents to, please see here: Winter Support Service | Shropshire Council
Community Grants
Each year Oswestry Rural Parish Council awards grants to voluntary organisations and community groups, which in the opinion of the council is in the interests of the local community.
All applications are considered on their individual merits and grants are awarded in accordance with how the council considers funding to be of benefit to the local community.
Please see attached policy and application form for completion.
Flood Grants - Storm Babet
The Flood recovery framework was triggered on 25 October 2023 in response to the severe flooding events that have occurred as a result of Storm Babet, and is available to those affected between 19 and 25 October 2023.
Shropshire Council is eligible to provide Government funded support under this framework due to more than 50 properties locally reporting internal flooding as a result of Storm Babet.
The following support is available to support both residents and businesses impacted by flooding as a result of Storm Babet, providing certain conditions are met.
Shropshire Council website link to find details/application
form for flood grants:
Shropshire Council - Budget Consultation 18 December 2023 - 28 January 2024
Like councils up and down the country, Shropshire Council faces a very tough financial position, and we need your help in shaping some difficult decisions that lie ahead.
The latest reporting shows that we are 80% of the way towards our £51.4m spending reductions target for this financial year, with five months left to report on. Our plan is to build on these strong foundations to overcome thechallenges that still lie ahead into the next financial year and beyond.
Our biggest pressure is that the funding we have to deliver our services hasn’t kept pace with the increasing demand that we are seeing, especially in adults’ and children’s social care, which makes up nearly 80% of the council budget. Just as an example, the number of children in care in Shropshire has nearly doubled since 2018 and 30% of ourresidents are now over 60, with a growing number who need support. The cost of delivering this support is alsohigher than ever, due to stubbornly high rates of inflation.
Essentially, we are having to do much more with less so we can carry on supporting the most vulnerable people in our communities. To keep doing this, we will have to make some difficult decisions.
We will need to change the way we deliver some services, whilst others may need to stop altogether.
We want to understand your priorities, as residents, businesses, employees, or stakeholders, so that any future decisions are made with these in mind.
This budget consultation is an opportunity for you to share your thoughts on how we can achieve the £50m spending reductions that we must make before 2025, which includes the 4.99% council tax increase that the Government allocation assumes we will make.
The themes include demand management, increasing efficiency, increasing income, reducing third-party spending, and making sure that we are the right size as an organisation.
The survey is based on the Medium Term Financial Strategy. Please be sure to read the full introduction and check out the related documents on the Consultation page before taking the survey.
The survey will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete. We appreciate you sharing your thoughts.
CANCELLED Parish Council Meeting 14 December 2023
Members of Full Council decided to cancel the Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council scheduled to be held on Thursday 14 December 2023 at Trefonen Village Hall.
Meetings will resume as planned in January 2024
Kathryn Lloyd CPFA
The Clerk & RFO
Oswestry Rural Parish Council
Date: 6 December 2023
Casual Vacancy
That a casual vacancy has occurred in the office of Councillor for the Trefonen with Treflach Ward in the parish of Oswestry Rural following the resignation of Councillor John Davies.
Rule 5(2) of The Local Elections (Parishes and Communities) (England and Wales) Rules, 2006 now applies.
The rule allows TEN ELECTORS for the ward in which the casual vacancy has arisen to request the Returning Officer to hold an election to fill the vacancy.* That request must be made within FOURTEEN DAYS, calculated in accordance with the rules, ** of the date of this notice. The fourteen-day period ends on 29 December 2023.
What if a request to hold an election is not received during the permitted time?
Rule 5(5) of the above Rules will apply. The Parish Council must, as soon as practicable after the expiry of the fourteen-day period, co-opt a person to fill the vacancy.
The Returning Officer’s address is:
Electoral Services, Shropshire Council, The Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury SY2 6ND.
The telephone number for further guidance is 0345 678 9015.
This notice is dated 7 December 2023
Issued by:
Kathryn Lloyd CPFA
The Clerk
Oswestry Rural Parish Council
The Cooperage
28 Hillock Lane
LL12 8YL
01952 884372
* There is no form of words for this request, which might simply be a letter headed with such words as “We the undersigned being electors for the Ward of Trefonen with Treflach of Oswestry Rural parish, call for an election to fill the vacancy arising from the resignation of Councillor John Davies ”. A template entitled “Request for an Election” is available to download from Shropshire Council’s website – – under “Current Council Vacancies”. It is helpful if the ten signatures are accompanied by printed names and addresses.
** In calculating the notice period, day one is the day following the date of this notice; a Saturday, Sunday, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Good Friday or Bank Holiday or day appointed for public thanksgiving or mourning shall be disregarded, and the period closes at midnight on the fourteenth day after the date of this notice. Rule 5(2) of The Local Elections (Parishes and Communities) (England and Wales) Rules, 2006 now applies.
Shropshire Council is due to commence a review of polling districts and polling places in accordance with the Representation of the People Act 1983 (as amended).
Representations are invited from stakeholders, partners and other interested parties such as electors, elected members, local political parties and organisations that have expertise in relation to access to premises for people with different forms of disability.
I would like to invite the Council to consider this review and make comments, if required, on polling places within your parish.
When making suggestions, please ensure the following:
- That electors have such reasonable facilities for voting as are practicable in the circumstances, and;
- As far as is reasonable and practicable, that polling places are accessible to all electors, including those who are disabled, and, when designating a polling place, have regard to the accessibility needs of disabled persons.
The review commences
on 2 October 2023 and the deadline for the submission of comments is 30 October
2023. This will allow for sufficient
time to enable any alterations to be made to the revised register before it is
published. A report outlining findings
and final recommendations will be submitted to Council on 14 December 2023.
Hedge Creation Sites in Shropshire
Call out for Hedge Creation Sites in Shropshire!
CPRE Shropshire are seeking sites where they can plant new, native hedgerows this winter in the county.
They do not plant in garden settings, but are keen to find smallholdings, farms, community spaces, wildlife reserves/projects that are interested in having a new hedgerow this winter. Hedges are provided totally free of charge and the hedge whips are sourced locally in Shropshire. Planting is done by volunteers with an experienced lead. Tree guards are provided if needed. Unfortunately, our budget does not extend to providing livestock fencing.
We are also seeking existing (young – up to 15 years old) hedgerows that would be suitable for hedge-laying training for beginners.
Sarah Jameson, CPRE Shropshire, for more information –
Shropshire Council - Customer Services Consultation
Customer Service Centre Opening Times Consultation
Shropshire Council is consulting on proposed changes to its Customer Service Centre (CSC) opening times.The Customer Service Centrehandles telephone and other forms of contact from customers for around 50 different council services and is currently open from 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 1pm on Saturdays.
The Customer Service Centre handles some complex issues for Shropshire’s residents in relation to Adult Social Care, concerns for children, risk of homelessness or financial crisis affecting families. These types of contact from people will always need a skilled adviser and will not be affectedby the proposed changes.However many other calls are for the more “generalist” side of Shropshire Council’s Customer Service Centre (CSC) and are for relatively simple requests that can be made another way, particularly using online requests.It is the opening hours for these services that form the proposal for change. Existing calls data has been used to identify proposed changes in opening times. Under proposals, the CSC would still be open six hours a day, five days a week for those who still want to contact the council this way but there are different options. The consultation seeks views on the options for proposed opening times.
Opens: 13th March for 6 weeks
Closes: 23rd April 2023
How you can give your views:
· Online at (opens Monday)
· If you can’t go online, copies of the consultation are available at the following Shropshire Council libraries; Bayston Hill, Bridgnorth, Church Stretton, Gobowen, Library at the Lantern, Ludlow, Market
Drayton, Much Wenlock, Oswestry, Pontesbury, Shrewsbury, Wem and Whitchurch
· At Shropshire Council’s Shropshire Local sites in Ludlow and Shrewsbury
If you would like the survey in an alternative format, please to request a copy or call 0345 678 9077 and explain any support you need to allow you to respond.
Holiday Activities & Food Progamme
a successful two years, the Shropshire HAF (Holiday Activities & Food)
programme is continuing in 2023, offering more opportunities for eligible
children and young people to access free holiday activity during the three main
school holidays.
Were thrilled to announce that existing HAF clubs which have been running across the county during the last 6 months, will be happening again and the programme has been extended to include six new areas of the county (Claverley, Much Wenlock, Cleobury Mortimer, Bishop’s Castle, Morda and Whitchurch).
Bookings for the Spring/Easter HAF (Holiday Activities & Food) Programme 2023 are now open.From 3 to 14 April 2023, eligible children and young people are invited to take part in a range of fun activities, happening at 45 venues from across the county.
The clubs offer a range of activities such as sports, arts, cooking, forest schools, den building and dance. There is something on offer for everyone. Free nutritious meals are provided at each session, as well as information on nutrition to benefit the whole family.
See the Spring/Easter promo film to get a taster of the activities on offer Spring 2023 Promo v2 - YouTube
Waste Collection Disruption
Road Closure
Start Date:7th February 2023
End Date:17th April 2023
Purpose:Excavate to install 370m of new 150mm sewer pipework and 7 manhole chambers - Road Closure.
Works Promoter: United Utilities Water
Works Promoter Ref:HZ70380063034-ADV0091-01
Enforcement pattern
for Broomhall Lane, Oswestry:
24 hrs
You can view the closure and diversion route by clicking here:
Road Closure
Start Date:19th February 2023
End Date:21st February 2023
Purpose: Road Closure - Works to rectify defective reinstatement.
Works Promoter: SP Energy Networks
Works Promoter Ref:GY0022100677642C-10
pattern for Middleton Road, Oswestry:
All the time
You can view the closure and diversion route by clicking here:
Shropshire Council - Public Consultation on Assessing unsafe walking routes to school
Dear Stakeholder
To ensure we are meeting our statutory duties under the Education Act 2006, a revised policy for assessing unsafe walking routes to school is being proposed (attached) and a consultation on this proposed policy will run until the 10th February 2023. We do not anticipate that the revised policy will change the entitlement to free school transport for new or existing pupils and will not have any financial impact for the Council.The consultation is available to view and respond to atGet involved | Shropshire Council alternatively, you can send your commentsto or use the following address:
- Transport Consultation,
Feedback and Insight Team,
Shropshire Council,
Abbey Foregate,
Once the consultation period ends all the feedback gathered will be considered and summarised in a report to Cabinet in March 2023.
Shropshire Council - Budget Consultation
Budget Consultation
As you may be aware, the council’s budget proposals are now out for public consultation.
We’re asking for the public’s views on our budget plans which seek to make more than £50 million of savings from the Council’s budget and to bring this into balance.
Most of the savings proposed will come through a transformation and efficiency programme that will save £50.6 million in the next year, while reducing costs and protecting services as far as possible particularly those for the most vulnerable.
Ongoing impacts of COVID and broader economic conditions, particularly the effects of inflation and rising energy costs, are at the root of the budget challenge facing the council, with inflation alone having a £43 million impact on the council.
The Council hope that you will be able to help publicise the consultation within your community and encourage as many people as possible to take part..
The online survey through which people can give views on the proposals is at Budget consultation 2023/2024 | Shropshire Council
The consultation is open until 30 January 2023.
Feedback from this will then inform the final budget proposals, along with consideration of any alternative budget proposals, which will come back to the council in March.
For anyone who’d like the survey questions in an alternative format, please email or call 0345 678 9077
Mobile Vaccine Bus
Mobile Vaccine Bus is coming to
Walk up Service - Clinic may reach capacity before the end of the stated time
If you’re unable to attend you can check for you nearest vaccination location.
We’ll be at Trefonen Village Hall, SY10 9DG
on Tuesday 6th December between 9:00 and 13:00
1st Booster vaccination available for anyone 12+ Autumn Booster available for anyone eligible
Autumn booster available for those 50 and older, immunosuppressed individuals, pregnant women, and Health & Social Care staff. A minimum of 92 days since last vaccination is required.
Road Closure
Road Closure: Broomhall Lane, Oswestry
Start Date:7th February 2023
End Date:17th April 2023
Purpose:Excavate to install 370m of new 150mm sewer pipework and 7 manhole chambers - Road Closure.
Works Promoter: United Utilities Water
Works Promoter Ref:HZ70380063034-ADV0091-01
Enforcement pattern
for Broomhall Lane, Oswestry:
24 hrs
You can view the closure and diversion route by clicking here:
Should you have any queries regarding this
closure, please call Customer Services on 0345 6789006, or contact
the Street Works Team on
Report Suspicious Activity
The Parish Council wishes to remind residents to be vigilant at this time of year. Please remember to keep your property, garages, sheds and outbuildings secure.
If you suspect any unusual activity or notice a person's behaviour which appears to be out of the ordinary, please report this to your local Police Community Support Officer or contact the Police on 101.
Keep Oswestry Rural Parish Community Safe.
Shropshire's Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
The JSNA seeks to identify current and future health and wellbeing needs in the local population and identify strategic priorities to inform commissioning of services based on those needs.
Find out more at :
Temporary road closure at Middleton Road, Oswestry
The road will be closed from 31 October to 2 November 2022 to allow Severn Trent to renew 25mm long comm pipe.
Road closure at Old Post Office Lane, Trefonen
The road will be temporarily closed to enable Openreach to renew a frame and cover.