Parish councils have powers granted through legislation which they can use to represent and support their local communities. Parish councils help to protect their local environment and provide and maintain local services and facilities. Because parish councils are established and regulated by Acts of Parliament they should only make decisions in accordance with the legislation that applies to them.

Policies and procedures provide guidance to councillors and staff to ensure that all council business is conducted in accordance with the powers they have been granted.

in pursuance of Section 40 of the Natural, Environmental and Rural Communities Act 2006, in exercising its functions the Parish Council must have regard, so far as is consistent with the proper exercise of those functions, to the purpose of conserving biodiversity.

Record Management Policy

Record Management Appendix A List of Documents for Retention or Disposal

Risk Management Scheme

Data Protection and Information Policy

Privacy Notice Role Holder

General Consent Form

SAR Procedure

Email Policy 2020

General Privacy Notice

Publication Scheme

The Parish Council has adopted a Publication Scheme in accordance with the Information Commissioner’s Office.

Training Statement of Intent

The Parish Council encourages training for Councillors and the Clerk to ensure they are able to carry out their duties in the best interests of the community they serve.

Email Policy

Media Policy

Data Breach Policy

This policy outlines what procedure the Parish Council should take if a data breach occurs.

Social Media and Electronic Communication Policy

This policy outlines how the Parish Council uses electronic communication.

Equal Opportunities Policy

This policy outlines how the Parish Council treats everyone equally without discrimination.

Climate Change Action Plan

This is the Parish Council's commitment to do all it can to help prevent climate change.

Hospitality & Gifts Policy

This policy commits Parish Councillors to declare any gifts and hospitality they receive whilst carrying out their public duties.

Complaints Procedure

This policy sets out how the Parish Council deals with complaints.

Equipment Hire Policy

This policy applies to any equipment that night be hired by the Parish Council.

Dignity at Work Policy

This policy sets out how the Parish Council and its employees will treat everyone with dignity and respect.

Community Engagement Policy

This policy sets out how the Parish Council will engage with the community it serves.

Councillor Clerk Protocal 2020

This policy sets out how Councillors and the Clerk should engage with each other.

Business Continuity Policy

This policy outlines how the Council's business will continue should the Clerk be unable to carry out normal day-to-day activities.

Health and Safety Policy

This policy commits the Parish Council to ensure that health and safety regulations are observed in all Council activities.

Information Request Policy

This document outlines how to request information from the Parish Council.

Remote Meetings Policy

This policy outlines how the Parish Council will engage with the community during online meetings usually using Zoom.

Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct commits Parish Councillors to the seven principles of public life.

Lone Working Policy

This policy sets out how people in a solitary situation should behave.

DPI Dispensation Procedure 2020

This policy sets out the procedure that should be followed if Parish Councillors wish to participate in meetings at which a topic is being discussed in which they have an interest.

Councillor Vacancy Policy

This policy sets out the procedure that the Parish Council will follow when a vacancy for a Parish Councillor arises.

Publication Scheme

The Publication Scheme outlines how members of the public can access information held by the Parish Council.

Standing Orders

These Standing Orders govern the Parish Council's activities.

Financial Regulations

These Financial Regulations set out the Parish Council's fiscal responsibilities.

Planning Pre-application policy

This policy outlines how the Parish Council will engage with developers who wish to enter into dialogue prior to a formal planning application being submitted to the planning authority.

Planning Application Procedure

Community Grant Policy

This policy outlines how the Parish Council will consider applications for grants.